19 lives sniffed in the bud – a “Proem” (Neither prose nor poem)

19 children and 2 teachers died in Robb Elementary School, Uvalde Texas (May 24, 2022, at 9:3 AM) as a result of the shooting by an 18 year old Hispanic male.

I had barely completed this piece, when another mass shooting happened in High Land Park, IL on 4th of July.  Sadly, we have lost collective will to solve this tragic problem.  Even though such mass shootings are happening in other countries as well, the problem is uniquely endemic to our society and culture.

One has to have hope to live, but it is arduously difficult to summon the courage to say this problem would be solved during the remainder of my lifetime on planet Earth.


The day began like any other – orderly disorder
No one had any idea what was to come
A tsunami of grief was to wash ashore
Submerging souls in the sea of glum

19 petite hearts stopped dead, like dried violets
Warm bodies doused by assassin’s cold bullets
Belying his age, coward, child in his own right
Irony not lost, he showed weakness, not his might

Wish, it was an angry white male
Narrative would have been easier!
He must be possessed by the Devil
Our boys are taught – God you must fear

Cold metal pierced 38 more hearts leaving permanent holes
Out of the blue, the road of life became full of potholes
Unlike bleeding that stops, pain to ooze for the rest of their lives,
Hurt will never subside, lives to become destination-less drives

Forlorn mothers bewailing, lost, grief stricken, barely alive
Living dead like zombies going about daily chores
Even with life’s cacophonies and dins, cries heard afar
The orchestra of life switched to playing non-melodic scores

Emotions’ ebb and flow undulating like a volcano
Streaming tears, a torrent of, not water, hot lava
Devouring everything in the way, mercilessly
Engulfing hearts, burning through vena cava

Despondent fathers, numbed, blank stares into the abyss
Invisible pain, can’t show grief, men don’t cry
Hearts in pieces, like a broken fully assembled puzzle
Can’t put it back, no matter how hard they try

Morning goodbyes, not to be, lost for ever
Rues and guilts crowding broken hearts
Why didn’t I keep my child at home?
Their journey, once humming, now in fits and starts

Lord, take me if you must, let my child live a full life
Barter-prayer silently spoken, inaudible yet screeching screams
Lives full of promise and hope, suddenly meandering
Taut fabric of life coming apart at seams

Never to be heard again –
“Mom, I am home”
“Dad, let’s play ball”
“Mom, look at what I made”
“Dad, Read me a story”
“Mom and dad
– Nighty night
– I love you
– I hate you
– You are mean”

Mother’s Day 
Devoid of meaning, a barren landscape
A canvas smudged, washed out colors
An empty shell, a dry well, an arid desert
A flightless bird having shed all her feathers

Father’s Day 
A dry riverbed, not even a trickle
An empty stadium, no cheers, no waves
A vacant lot, no kids, no hoops, just weeds
A lush garden, once full of life, now all graves

Dolls in the toy chest too feeling neglected
Why?  did we do something wrong? not sure
No one to dress us, no one to hug us
Wonder, why?  what else is in store?

Kid’s base-ball gloves, once adorned tiny hands
Now left unattended, alone, feeling despondent
Want to be coddled again, but can’t, can they?
Victims of circle-of-life that is nothing but transient

Couldn’t have known, goodbyes were final
Hugs and kisses to be no more
Must go on, even though spirit is dulled
Slow pace, aimless strolling, steps unsure

Life changed forever in the blink of an eye
Full of promises, now sorrow and guilt ridden
No matter the terrain, it’s all uphill
Obstacles once in plain view, now hidden

At the designated time, much like a robot
Eyes turned to the door; ears tuned for pitter patter
Arms open for warm hug only to realize the futility
All in vain, joyful conversations once, now idle chatter

Contemplating, can Hell be any worse?
It cannot be!  For God’s sake, how can it be?
Flailing in hot and putrid wind right here
Motionless bodies acting like a mummy

To moms and dads who don’t even know
They are next in line; only a matter of time
Abnormal has morphed into normal
Lives are being lost in their prime

Enjoy every day with your kids
Give them an extra hug, an extra kiss
Bottle these precious moments
Etch these memories, savor God given bliss

Lord, you always have a plan,
things happen for a reason,
So, it is said
My fallible mind fails to see it.

May be tomorrow I will,
If there is one.
For now, I ask humbly
Why me? why me? why me?

May the souls of the departed find peace and tranquility.
May Lord give families  strength to cope with this tragedy.

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