3 Charlatans among 6 Ayatollahs

Warning:  Reader discretion advised.
> If you are a Trump devotee, please don’t read this piece.
> If you are a Republican, you may not enjoy this piece.

How can one trust justices who lie their way to the bench?
Having already made up their minds about Roe V Wade
Feigning sincerity, claimed it was a settled case
Donned mask of faux honesty; still no one was swayed

Confirmation hearings, an act of mockery
Abjectly lying without any compunction
In full cahoots with Republican senators
Who farcically swore oath to US constitution

Our history includes many dastardly acts
Arms of law extending into our bedrooms
Making interracial marriage a criminal act
Stifling control from wombs to tombs

Would sanitized version of lynching be legalized?
Oh, pardon me, it already is, just ask George Floyd
It too has historical precedence; joyfully executed
Now police do the lynching, acting as if on steroid!

Supreme Court, as an institution, is morally bankrupt
Just look at its history; it does not look pretty
Dred Scott, Japanese Internment and, recently,
Gutting of Civil Rights cases caste shame aplenty

Upturning Roe vs Wade is only the first step
Claiming historical precedent for their decision
What next, Slavery? It too is a part of history
Why stop there, how about Gay & Lesbian?

Gender equality and other civil liberties
Are in the cross hair of these ideologues
Becoming bidders of the Republican politicians
Both institutions have become analogues

Susan Collins, you claim to have been fooled
By the three nominees* of Donald Trump
Must I say – you too are lying Susan
You knew who they are; you are no chump!
(* Charlatans?)

Fool me once, shame on you
Fool me twice, shame on me
How about fool me thrice?
Shame on Collins’ duplicity!

Yes, the arc of history is long, and arduous
Sadly, now one step forward, two steps back
Gains by women, minorities, under privileged
and poor are under conjoined attack.

Religious freedom getting redefined in favor of majority
Christianity is creeping into court’s decisions
Separation between the State and the Church
Is eroding; bound to subjugate other religions

Blatantly lying about their judicial philosophy
They joined politicians as the epitome of hypocrisy
Emulating Ayatollahs of Iran, they want to turn
Our liberal democracy into Christian theocracy*
(* CRAS – Christian Republic of American States?)

With lifetime appointments, the Ayatollahs
Will legislate from the bench for 30-40 years
The country after their recasting/reshaping
Will meet with majority cheers and minority tears!

Blame the Democrats for the composition of the court
They act like boy scouts; Republicans as mafia’s consort.
Republicans campaigned on the issue of –
supreme court’s makeup; Democrats – not a peep!

Such is life!
We may win a few, definitely lose a lot.

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