A missive from Coronavirus – Pre July 4 celebrations Letter #2


To all my “friends” in the “land of the free and the home of the brave
I know soon very you will be celebrating the Independence Day
A day you observe with picnic, games and fireworks
I’d like to wish you the very best, no matter come what may

I hope you have not missed me since I wrote to you last
Time flies, It has been a month since I penned that letter
Nothing stays the same as father time marches on
I notice, some things got worse and some got better

In the space of this time, you have opened up your economy
Some states took a deliberate science based approach
But, some of your states threw caution to the wind
And these “devil may care” states deserve serious reproach

I understand, lock down gave you cabin fever
Your economy took a major beating, resulting in a coma
Lock down or open up, either way, some lives will be destroyed
Don’t get me wrong, I empathize with your dilemma

Pictures of crowded bars, clubs and beaches I saw
made my “RNA heart” jump faster and my “spikey spirits” soar
In such places, I don’t have to work hard
on a silver platter, you offered me opportunities galore

Need I remind you of my solitary mission in life?
Infect as many people as possible worldwide
I treat every one equally, though the effect may be unequal
Democrat or Liberal, Blue state or Red state, I don’t take side

Borrowing a famous one-liner I feel “I don’t get no respect
You think “by wishing upon a star”, you may shoo me away
It takes discipline without short cuts if you want to see me go
Follow the course, don’t allow yourself to go astray

Let me stress, you can’t make me go away that easily
by “rubbing on a bottle” or “sprinkling some pixie dust”
I wish the prescription was this simple
To have any chance of defeating me, discipline is a must

I can be cowed down if you take simple precautions :
Wear masks and maintain 6 feet physical distance
Beats me, as to why many of you choose not to follow
You take pride in maintaining a look of askance

Generally, I don’t go out looking for people to thank
But, I must complement your “leaders” for doing my bidding
Being poor role models and flouting their own experts’ guidelines
Believe me, they make my job easier, I’m not kidding

Special thanks are in order for the “Bumbler in Chief”
Or, as you call him “duly elected” President Trump
He is my unpaid ambassador, doing an excellent job
Removing obstacles for me as he is out on his stump

I especially liked “Dumb and Dumber’s” rally in Tulsa –
a “super spreader” event as this rally was
With no insistence for masks or physical distancing
I consider it a charitable donation towards my cause

I know many of you feel invincible, unlikely to catch Covid19
If you are young and healthy, I may go easy on you
I will let your body defeat me, but not before
I’d have used it as a carrier to infect others in full plain view

I was especially worried by the success of
many countries, you call foreign, in countering my attack
Lucky for me, you don’t believe in copying others
Regardless of how effectively they may have fought back

Looking at the results of places such as New Zealand
Forced me to think, my life may be sniffed out prematurely
I am worried no more;  my fears have been allayed
Your victim count is rising right now surely and steadily

I noticed the “Black Lives Matter” movement is gaining strength
I hope the movement results in changes for the better
I would be remiss if I don’t affirm Black Lives Matter
Blacks are the easiest preys, they have proven to be pace setter
(I know, it is not in the right spirit, but like you, I too am “looking out for #1”)

I know you are working frantically to come up with a vaccine
I am a realist; I realize you are likely to succeed
But, 7 billion people can’t be vaccinated in a short span of time
No matter how hard you try, a reality you have to concede

I also have anti vaxxers in my corner
Their numbers are quite high in your country
Antivaxxers have a loud megaphone on Facebook
Effectiveness of false and damaging reports is no mystery

Nothing lasts for ever; I am not naive
When my turn comes, I won’t have any regrets
I’d march out with my head held high
Covid19 – the most serious pandemic in 100 years, no ifs and/or buts
(and for that I’ll wear a corona!)

And, this is a record not worth
– sneezing at, or
– coughing at, or
– wheezing at, or
(get the drift!)

There is no rest for the weary
I still have too many virgin bodies to invade
So until next time, I bid adios/ciao/sayonara
In my mission, I can’t be mislaid

Also, need I mention, an army of my “cousins” are ready to take the baton
Rest assured, we will be back!
Oh yes, we will.
(God willing/Bhagwan Bharose/insha allah)

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