Hopes for 2023 – world events and personal events

Hopes for 2023 (world events)
Inflation cools without causing a recession
Living wage becomes real, not imagination

House Republicans work to pass legislation,
not spend time and energy just in investigation

Trump’s efforts for Republican nomination
bear no fruits and he fades away in oblivion

Civility returns in political discourse
Disagreements resolved without force

Climate change taken seriously
Earth not destroyed callously

Oh, come on!
It is OK to be wide eyed optimist at the turn of the calendar!

Personal Milestones (2022)

  • Our son, vikas, got married.
  • Completed 50 years on the American Continent.
  • Wrote my life story in the form of answers to questions posed to me by my two children.
  • Started to write poems, after taking an on-line course.
  • Wordle bug bit me. I am an avid average caliber Wordler, certainly more analytical than others in my approach.
  • Added two more websites to my collection – 3 altogether.
  • Joined Medium.com and started posting my original work on the blog platform.

Personal resolution for 2023
Make steady progress on the poetry frontOn a scale of 1 (novice)-5(Master), 2022 has to be rated as a 1; hope to increase it to 2 in 2023.

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