President Trump’s First International Trip – Part II (Europe) May 23-27, 2017


….. Continued from  Part I


From Israel, I flew to the Vatican, the seat of the Pope
I had a fantastic meeting with the current Pope – Pope Francis
During the campaign, I had “heated” exchanges with him(1) 
We still have many differences, yet our relationship is not in a crisis

During my hard fought presidential campaign
I had made no secret of my disdain for the NATO alliance
I had called NATO obsolete, they are “free loading” on America
They need to stand on their own feet and lessen their reliance

When I met with the leaders of NATO countries in Brussels
I gave them their well deserved comeuppance
They have not been paying their fair share for security
They can’t say I had not warned them in advance

The body language in Europe was awkward, very awkward
“I think we (I mean I) hit a home run no matter where we are”
I was pushed to not pull out of the Paris climate agreement
Though they tried very very hard, they didn’t get too far

Even though I said in the Middle East
That I didn’t come to “lecture”
When it came to the leader of the NATO countries
I didn’t hesitate in giving them my stern stricture

I am being criticized for not explicitly mentioning
or endorsing the support of Article 5 in my speech
NATO member countries need to hold up their end of the bargain
Expecting us to keep shouldering the burden is clearly an over-reach

During the campaign I expressed my unhappiness with
Multilateral “free” trade agreements
American people are being taken advantage of
by countries running surplus in balance of payments

I singled out Germany for the large trade deficit with America
I said “the Germans are bad, very bad ”
If Europeans dislike me for my tough talk about Germany, so be it
Countries running large trade surplus make me really really mad

I brushed past Montenegro Prime Minister for a group photo
As the most important person, I needed to be in the first row
So if I look like a bully to the Europeans I say get used to it!
I know their admiration of me, will never really grow

Did you see my hand shake of Macron?
I wanted him to feel that I am strong
It was a show-down white knuckle handshake
Let dishonest media grumble, I don’t see anything wrong

I chose not to walk with G7 leaders in Sicily
Instead, I rode in a golf cart
I didn’t want them to outpace me
I can outmaneuver any one because I am smart!



Common Ending:

I am told that I was soft on Saudi Arabia
and other Gulf Council Leaders
and, I was hard on Europeans
What can I say, European are losers; I like winners

I prefer strong leaders similar to those I found in the Middle East
My idol for strong leadership is my friend Putin
Authoritarian regimes can make fast decisions and get things done
They like me, they really really like me – there is no disPutin(g)

Dishonest media will certainly ignore all that I accomplished
They will fill their columns with fake news, critical of my travels
I know I had a great trip, may be the best presidential oversees trip ever
(as my tweet said)
“Trip was a great success for America. Hard work but big results!”

God Bless America – land that I love!


(1) Some exchanges between Trump/Trump surrogates and Pope
Pope Francis and Mr. Trump have diametrically opposed views on issues like immigration, climate change and arms sales.
Mr. Bannon, a Catholic, has criticized Pope Francis as a socialist, a global elitist and a promoter of Muslim migration to Europe.
A week later, the pope suggested that Trump “is not a Christian”, amid the Republican’s calls for deporting immigrants and building a wall along the U.S.-Mexican border. “A person who thinks only about building walls, wherever they may be, and not building bridges, is not Christian,” he told journalists. “This is not the gospel.”
Trump wrote a fiery reply on Facebook: “If and when the Vatican is attacked by ISIS, which as everyone knows is ISIS’s ultimate trophy, I can promise you that the Pope would have only wished and prayed that Donald Trump would have been President because this would not have happened,” the GOP presidential front runner said in a statement on Facebook. “For a religious leader to question a person’s faith is disgraceful,” he added.

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