Letter (#7) from Coronavirus – Xtra Xtra edition (Vaccine Special)


We have read the news re. the V-word*
We know vaccine is our formidable enemy
But, mass inoculations are months away
Till then, we will continue our merry journey
(* Vaccine)

We have known this day was bound to come
But, you surprised us by the haste
Now we need to speed up our campaign
There is no time for us to waste

Vaccine news is not all doom and gloom
There is still plenty of time for our crew
But we cannot relax or let our “spikes” down
We just need to keep ploughing through

We have to put “metal to the pedal
You must agree, we are damn good at what we do
OTOH, you are handicapped by being human
We know your proclivities, to us it is nothing new

Enough about the vaccine and its promise,
let’s focus on the here, now and present
We are full throttle; zipping around the globe
No country, no human being is sacrosanct

We thank you from the “ends of our spikes”
for letting us have the best times of our lives
Victim count is growing across the globe
leading us to do cartwheels and high-fives

We would like to wish our American friends
a very happy and joyous thanksgiving
It is the time to spend with family
No ifs or buts or misgivings

Not to ignore our friends around the world,
especially Christians, Xmas is only weeks away
They need to celebrate Christ’s birth
A pandemic cannot get in their way

We know everyone is “virus fatigued”
It is only natural; it has been a long time
Being a social animal, you need social touches
Reacting to your primal urge is not a crime

We know how you feel – “burned out” and isolated
Nine months of directives and admonishments for you
While miscreant Politicians defy their own edicts
But, then you know politicians, it is nothing new

Hypocrisy comes as second nature to them
They do not even pretend to hide inconsistencies
Newsom* attending a birthday party indoors,
shows “walking the talk” is for sissies!
(* Gavin Newsom – California Governor)

No in-class instructions in public schools
While life goes on as before at private schools
Guess, where does Newsom send his kids?
Yes to private schools, you think we are fools! ☹

You are being told to not visit grandma
while politicians* make an “urgent” trip to Hawaii
I am sure you are not surprised with this
Who can resist a free trip to Maui?
(* California legislators)

Pelosi* visited a hair salon ignoring the health directive
But, when you try to do the same, you are castigated
Why is it that politicians brazenly flaunt the rules?
Because they can; I too would feel manipulated
(* Nancy Pelosi – Speaker of the House of Representative, US Congress)

I don’t blame you for not cowing to
the demands of public health officials
They sit in ivory towers and issue orders
without any consideration for life’s essentials

Even after a vaccine has been approved by FDA,
the challenge of its distribution can’t be minimized
Still it’s fair to assume by middle of 2021, majority
of US population would have been immunized

This gives us plenty of time to do our job
You may even see some mutations,
possibly throwing “monkey wrench” in your plans
and lessen the effectiveness of the vaccinations

The story is not the same in poor countries
They lack funds, infrastructure and manpower
to immunize their entire populations any time soon
Their citizens will continue to be ours to devour
(sorry, we are only doing what nature created us to do)

That’s it for now.

My American friends,  enjoy turkey and football
You must live your life, the way you want
Whatever happens, happens; fear not
Go visit your grandma, no one can say you can’t!.

We will chat again before the new year.
Until then que sera sera!


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