A letter from Coronavirus (genesis of Covid-19) : Letter #1
To all humanity on planet Earth
I am the genesis of Covid-19, yes the same Covid-19
that you say has caused a pandemic,
and played havoc with your daily routine
Your body had never seen me until now,
though my family is well known to you
You may develop a vaccine to thwart my aim
but my “cousins” are waiting to start this cycle anew
Black or White, doesn’t matter to me
Red or Blue States – I don’t discriminate
I need warm body of a host to invade
and voila, soon I begin to replicate
Nature is uncompromising,
where only the fittest survive
The idea is simple, She wants the very
best genes to propagate and thrive
You must have noticed that I have been
far more deadlier towards the old,
especially those with morbid conditions
Its nature’s law, truth be told
Nursing homes were the easiest targets
Packed with people morbidly sick
Cared for by workers, you call “essential”
Paying them pittance in jobs with very high risk
While I invade humans of all hues equally,
the effect of the infection is not the same
Blacks, in particular, are more susceptible to dying
For their 2nd class status, society has to accept the blame
Your Constitution bans double jeopardy
But, the realty is rather different
Veterans who fought in Vietnam are now
dying of Covid19 in #s that are significant
Hey, don’t be mad at me, I am only doing
what nature programmed me to do
Every species is sent to procreate
You are doing the same, the 7 billion of you
My mission is to infect
Your is to protect
Your chances depend on the method you select
and the leaders you elect
Is it any surprise that the worst affected countries*
are all led by men with questionable leadership traits
For a comparison, look at the countries led by women**
who displayed leadership skills in spades
(* US, UK, Brazil, Russia; ** Germany, New Zealand, Taiwan, Iceland & others)
Yes, I made a jump from an animal
Don’t blame me, I didn’t create this racket
You made it too easy –
have you looked at China’s “wet” market?
I hope you don’t go back to your old ways
This pandemic is a strong message
that mother nature is sending forth,
take note and treat it as a presage
You have been exploiting Earth wantonly,
especially since the dawn of industrial age
The ever growing consumption of fossil fuel
is warming the planet, but where is the outrage?
Let me repeat, You have been abusing the Earth
The climate is changing for the worse
You may be able to tame me through a vaccine,
but there is no vaccine for nature’s curse
Climate change will impact billions of people
Especially the poor and the disadvantaged
A warmer planet will compound the pandemics
Your land will become disheveled and ravaged
You may think, as a species, you are infallible
Don’t be so arrogant and smug
Climate change has decimated species before
You can’t sweep this fact under the rug
Let me warn you, Covid19 is not the last pandemic
There will be more, and even more deadly
Add to this the impact of climate change
You are stacking the deck against yourself badly
Nature’s balance is being uprooted
A billion more souls within your life time – c’mon
How will you feed them, shelter them?
The conclusion is forgone
The clock is ticking, time is short
History repeats it self, but you don’t learn
What did you learn from the Spanish flu?
Not much, preventive measures you spurn
Sadly, you spend billions preparing to
fight yesterday’s war
Looking for enemy distant and afar
Ha Ha, I sneaked in, you left the door ajar
I must go now, I have people to infect
Don’t say I didn’t warn you!
I doubt you’d change, & if you don’t
you must accept what comes due
It is nice doing business with you
You are such an easy prey
Had you tried harder, acted smarter
You could have kept me at bay
Until next time when we meet again, Ciao.