About Us


Hi, this blog is a “labor of love” for me (Ashok Gupta).
I was inspired by a colleague of mine 30+ years ago who was good at writing “rhyming prose”.
I tried to emulate him and enjoyed the experience.

I was not very active while I was employed.
However, since my retirement and, especially starting in 2016, I became much more active.
With Trump and Hillary going at each other pre 2016 presidential election, there was plenty of material to put on paper as “rhyming prose”.

I started this blog in 2020 with the aim of providing a forum to other like minded “rhyming prose” writers to publish their works.
I welcome submissions from “rhyming prose” writers.
The decision to publish or not publish is entirely mine.

My daughter, Nidhi Gupta became a rhyming-prose writer October 2020.  Her first post is proudly included in the collection. Way to go Nidhi!

P.S. I have started composing simple “free-verse” poems beginning in May 2022.  Please visit my website listed below.  Thank you.  https://buddingpoetscorner.com/


Password protected posts

Please send an email to Rhymingprose@gmail.com requesting the password.
Please include your name in the email.
Also, please let me know if you are one of the extended family members or a member of our friendship circle.

Please note, I reserve the right to decide whether to grant access to you.
Thanks for your understanding.


Rhyming prose (or Rhymed Prose) is a literary form and literary genre, written in unmetrical rhymes.
This form has been known in many different cultures including Arabic literature (called saj), China (called fu), India (Khariboli) and others.
More at    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhymed_prose

An Example of Rhyming Prose:
  Marriage is a journey with no ends
  The road careens and goes around many bends
  You take on this journey as a pair
  You both need to learn how to steer

Prose Poem (Prose Poetry) essentially appears as prose, but reads like poetry.



Our Mission is to provide a forum for Rhymed Prose authors to showcase their works.
Please let your friends and family know of the existence of this website/Rhyming Prose forum.
Also, please encourage them to try writing a short piece of Rhymed/Rhyming Prose and submit for publication on this website.
It is our hope that we would have at a minimum 3 regular contributors profiled by the end of 2022.



Please note that some posts are tagged as “Not PC-Discretion advised“.
Some people may take exception to the content, though there are no “bleeping” words.

Several other posts are tagged as “Restricted“. For these posts, only the first and last few lines are displayed.  If you are interested in seeing the entire post, please send an e-mail to Rhymingprose@gmail.com with your name, telephone number and nationality.  I will decide, at my sole discretion, if I give you access to the entire post. Thank you for your understanding.


Ashok Gupta
V3.0/Oct 2, 2022





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