Advice to the Democrats re. the selection of their presidential nominee in 2020



Someone said “do the same and expect
Different results” is a sign of insanity
Democrats need to remember this
As they get ready for twenty-twenty

America is not ready to elect a
New and improved (?) version of McGovern
(be it Bernie or Warren)
Stay near the middle where the undecided are
The majority is not willing to make a left turn

Hillary’s loss was due to many reasons
Bernie supporters staying home being one
You don’t want another candidate who will be
Skewered, maligned and unable to get the job done!

Blacks sat out the 2016 election
Purportedly they were not excited by Hillary
They longed for Obama & held their votes
Thus sealed Trump’s ultimate victory

You can’t grab the prize by just wining the coasts
Michigan, Pennsylvania , Wisconsin sealed Trump’s deal
You have to win in the electoral college, not just popular vote
And therefore you must create a very broad appeal

Obama’s win was a fluke, merely an accident
Actually, he is the direct cause of Trump’s victory
Polls say only a white male has any chance of defeating Trump
It may be disappointing to hear, but it is the real story

A woman president is still a distant possibility
Granted women are breaking many glass ceilings
A more logical step would be vice presidency
Some one White with middle class’s feelings.

Don’t get distracted from the end-goal of ousting Trump
Forget about impeachment, its a losing proposition
Republican Senate will never convict their Rainmaker
No matter the gravity of the allegation

Yes, climate change is real
But, we the people are not ready
to make the required changes in their lives
They don’t vote for tomorrow that they can’t see

A majority of Americans don’t want open borders
Open borders is a for sure losing proposition
America can’t take in all the Central Americans
(Guatemalans, Hondurans or el Salvadorans)
Any free country needs to control inbound migration

Free public benefits acts as a magnet for unskilled migrants
We have enough working poor let’s not make things worse
Americans, especially in the States you need to win,
Don’t support this raid on public purse

Socialism, even worse, government control
is an ideology Americans say they abhor
This is so ironic, programs such as Medicare & social security
Initially hated, but once implemented, they greatly adore

Incrementalism may not sound very sexy
The human journey is long and so is history’s arc
Incremental changes have a chance of getting through the Senate
This way you will be able to leave your mark.

Hope you have learned from the past
Past is indeed a prologue to the future
Be pragmatic, not ideological
In your selection of the flag bearer


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