Browse Author: Ashok Gupta

Why I (Donald Trump) pulled US out of the Paris Climate Agreement


You ask, why I pulled US out of the Paris Climate accord?
It is very very simple, nothing complicated
This was a promise I had made during the campaign
And it is a position I had very clearly articulated

Climate change/global warming is a hoax, folks it’s a hoax
Perpetrated by the Chinese, the conniving Chinese
The science of climate change is still unsettled
We shouldn’t let fake science cause our economy to freeze/sneeze

I am sure you have heard about the “Climate Gate”
Hacked e-mails showed that scientists had lied and cheated
and that global warming was a scientific conspiracy
They clearly showed that the climate data were manipulated

Earth’s climate is always changing, always changing
Let me tell you, ice ages come and ice ages go
It’s no secret, sea levels rise and seal levels fall
And those glaciers, they grow and they slow!

You have bad floods, you have bad storms
Natures works in mysterious ways
You have high winds, you have blizzards
and you also have beautiful sunny days

Paris agreement is bad, very bad, very very bad
It will stifle and hobble growth of our industry
This agreement gives foreign bureaucrats control over …
how much energy we can use right here in our beloved country

Since it is a voluntary agreement, others will be free to cheat
As good honest Americans, we will honor our commitments
Despite their cheating, foreign countries will still demand
that we make our share of the Green Climate Fund payments

Why should our hard working taxpayers
subsidize people around the globe?
Our people want fruits of their labor to nourish USA
Let me remind you, they are patriots, not xenophobes

The draconian actions required to control green house gases
will strike a major blow to our growth strategy
The cost of fossil fuel will sky rocket
Our economic success depends on low-cost energy

I have taken a pledge of America First as my North Star
I promised pro-fossil fuel agenda in my campaign
We will remove shackles on fossil fuel users and producers
That’s how we are going to Make America Great Again

I promised to put our coal miners back to work
Obama’s policies forced them to unemployment lines
If we stayed with the Paris Climate Pact,
our coal workers will not be able to go back to the mines

We are going to increase oil and gas exploration and production
I want to see new offshore drilling rigs from California to Florida
We will not block new pipelines from being built
to move oil from Dakotas and even Canada
(I like Canadian people; not so much their government)

I was elected to represent Pittsburgh, not Paris
To meet CO2 reduction goals, Americans will be forced into small cars
My supporters prefer to buy trucks/SUVs, not those tin boxes
Golf-cart size “Rovers” are fine for NASA to drive on Mars!

We don’t want others telling us what we can or
can’t do with our own fossil fuel reserves
Low cost energy is the key to our economic growth and to a
high standard of living that our hard working population deserves

Before I formally announced the decision to pull out
Jared, Ivanka & others lobbied hard for us to not pull-out
Bannon and Pruitt kept reminding me of my campaign promise
and coaxed me to honor my pledge, like a good scout

Folks, in pulling out of the Paris Climate Pact, I have no regrets
My decision shows respect for the folks who sent me to Washington
I owe them a ton of gratitude for my tremendous victory
“Promise made Promise kept” is more than just a slogan.

God bless America
Land that I love
I’ll lead her to new glory
With guidance from above
And oil/gas from below
To write the next chapter of America’s great story!

Now sing with me with passion and energy –
“Drill Baby Drill”!
“Drill Baby Drill”!
“Drill Baby Drill”!

Let oil flow, let coal burn
Let gas rise up, let the good times return!



Penned in June 2017 (Rancho Palos Verdes, CA)

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