Browse Author: Ashok Gupta

Me First, Me First, Me First …….. Selfish acts of rich countries for Covid-19 Vaccines


Covid-19 is a pandemic, hurting people worldwide
We know that no one is safe from Covid-19
until everyone around the globe is safe
To the virus, national boundaries are unseen

It’s true, rich countries invested in vaccine development
Then they pre-bought all the early supply of vaccine
Thereby denying the rest of the world its benefit
They talked global equity, but did they really mean?

Looking out for #1 has become today’s mantra
But in a pandemic, this is a wrong prescription
Our ancestors lived in tribes during evolution
Acts of self-interest would have resulted in proscription

Sharing and caring ensured tribe’s survival
All religions teach helping the less fortunate
Why don’t we practice it when its need is paramount?
During pandemic, why have we become obstinate?

Hoarding the vaccine is a natural response to
harsh political realities facing every rich nation
Helping less fortunate at their populace’s expense
may sound noble, but is not a winning proposition

Poor and not so fortunate nations will just have to
wait for their turn behind the rich nations
Beggars can’t be choosers “ is an age old adage
Sadly, rich nations have left no room for negotiations

Yes, it is disappointing, but then life is not fair
You just have to suck it up; don’t have a choice
Get what, when and from whom you can
For Rich countries generosity, you should rejoice!



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