Black Lives Matter – Hell They Do

are the hard-working* real Americans
God fearing, anti-Government, sporting Guns
Black Lives Matter to US – you betcha they do
THEY are the key manpower for many occupations
(* yes WE are Whites)

Black Lives Mattered to OUR forefathers
They gave them shelter, food and protection
Literacy was not needed for the jobs Blacks did,
Be-good-at-hard-labor was their only mission

Think about it, if it wasn’t for the Blacks:
– Who would have taken care of the land WE took from the Indians?
– Who would have picked cotton?
– Who would have worked on plantations?
– Who would have worked in tobacco fields?
– Who would have tended to sugar canes?
– Who would have toiled in rice fields?

Today, WE need Blacks to wage OUR dirty wars
In far away lands that WE can’t find on a map
WE don’t even know what WE are fighting for!
May be liberty or democracy or some such crap.

If Blacks choose not to fight, who will fill the gap?
There ain’t that many more Mexicans to snag
Who wants to return from battle field with PTSD
Or, worse yet, come back in a body bag?

WE appreciate and applaud THEIR athleticism
THEIR bodies are built to excel in sports
THEY dominate football, basketball, track&Field
These sports are our country’s cultural exports

Blacks help USA shine in Summer Olympics
WE cheer for them – they become US
THEY are the reason WE rank #1 in medals
Blacks are critical to OUR success, not superfluous

Blacks are like the gladiators of the old Rome
Who fought to death to entertain Roman aristocracy
3 of 4 combatants in the sport we call football are Blacks
It is a dangerous sport*, but it pays well – no hypocrisy
(*Many end up sickened with Chronic traumatic encephalopathy, resulting in slow death)

Let’s look at the NBA scene, predominantly Black
WE patronize the teams and lionize the players
We cheer our Home teams with only a sprinkle of Whites
Isn’t this proof positive Black Lives Matter to us?

The Covid-19 pandemic has shown the true worth of Blacks
Along with Latinos, Blacks do the “essential” work
Manning the front lines of service industry
Exposed to the virus for measly pay, sans any perk
(Oops, this is an unpleasant truth)

Let’s not forget, some Blacks are into drugs and gangs
for collective safety, THEIR ferocity needs to be controlled,
Prison stays give them a chance for redemption
It’s not OUR fault if THEY go back after being paroled

A fair division of labor exists between the two groups
THEY have their areas of specialization & WE do ours
THEY are good at “essential” jobs that require brawn
and due to our superior brains, We are good in ivory towers

I am not a racist; I don’t belong to any WSG
I don’t hate or support violence against Blacks
THEY have the same rights to live as WE do
It’s just that THEY need to stay on their side of tracks

I hope I have convinced you
That Black Lives Matter to US
They make OUR lives worth living
They are critical to OUR success

Black Lives Mattered yesterday
Black Lives Matter today
Black Lives will Matter tomorrow
It’s a fact; don’t let anyone lead you astray.

America is a shining city upon a hill with a beacon light
Guiding freedom-loving people everywhere
God Bless America, the greatest country ever
You are free do anything that you dream or dare.


Note: what Thomas Jefferson penned vs. what he meant to pen.

WE hold these truths to be self-evident, that all (WHITE) men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Inspired by the murder of George Floyd 

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