Browse Category: Culture

An ode to Bob Berman, one of my mentors.


“A mentor is someone who sees more talent and ability within you, than you see yourself, and helps bring it out of you.”
– Bob Proctor


Bob, the best salesman I ever met
Our times together, hard to forget

To the Eskimos, Bob could sell ice
And that too at a fairly good price

Master at motivating at all levels
Meeting new challenges, he revels

Collector of art, gems, and minerals
Being a geologist, in his credentials

His house, a well curated museum
His collection, an elegant symposium

Bob, a connoisseur of good food
Talk of food puts him in good mood

From Bob, I learned the art of negotiation
A Skill much needed in his profession

He had no inhibitions, game for antics
Sonny-Cher routine was one of his classics

We traveled far and wide together
United’s “1K” was a glowing feather

My role was to take care of business
His was to find restaurants with finesse

I rode on his coattails with great success
Leveraging his contacts was his prowess

I would not have reached the heights
Without benefitting from his lime lights

I was lucky to have partnered with Bob
I made him look successful in his job

He promoted my interests enthusiastically
He fits the mold of a mentor unequivocally

After seven amazing years we parted ways
His memory still lights my pathways.

Bob and late Jim Miller were my north star
Without them, I would not have gone very far.
Best wishes to Bob and his family.
I am a better man for having known Bob.

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