Browse Category: Thanks & Gratitude

A tribute to Sankara Eye Foundation and plea for support.

Sankara Eye Foundation (SEF) is a federally recognized charity. Their mission is to reach out to the rural poor and provide quality eye care free of cost to the needy by building operationally self-sufficient super specialty eye care hospitals across India. Today, SEF, USA supports 11 Sankara Eye Hospitals and 8 Partner Eye Care Hospitals all across India and together performed 215,000 free eye surgeries in 2019.  Their vision is to perform 1 million eye surgeries annually by the year 2030.

Sankara Eye Foundation gets 4-star rating from Charity Navigator. Its trustworthy score is 100 of 100.
Charity Navigator – Rating for Sankara Eye Foundation, USA

Full disclosure – I am a long-time donor to Sankara Eye Foundation.



Major religions of the world pronounce
that a man’s true measure of worth
is not what he has but what he gives
Giving is how he leaves his mark on Earth
(All religious writings are male centric)

God gives all living creatures five senses
Life is not easy without any one of the five
Still, the most important sense is sight
Without sight, it is very hard to thrive
(Touch, sight, hearing, smell and taste)

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