Donald Trump thanks those who helped him get elected as the President of the USA


I owe thanks and gratitude to a wide array of people
There are far too many people responsible for my win
The list is fairly long, my attention span is short
I am not even sure where I should begin

But, Before any one else, I need to pat myself on the back
My strategy was simple but smart, to restore America’s glory
My slogan (Make America Great Again) was aspirational
People can create their own interpretation to suit their own story

Before my opponents can establish themselves
I coined for them simple and memorable labels
I campaigned hard and mounted fierce attacks
Any one who attacked me, I turned on them the tables

I owe my presidency to the first black president – Barak Hussain Obama
His presidency was never accepted as being legitimate by millions of Whites
I launched the “birther” controversy for further de-legitimizing Obama
Obamacare took the hatred towards Obama to new heights

Obama had a laugh at my expense at a White House Correspondents’ dinner
I don’t ever forget slight and insult; I bet you, he is not laughing now
Yes it was not very comfortable being the butt of jokes
Donald you will have the last laugh” – right then and there I took a vow

The next person on my list to thank is Hillary Clinton
Who dug her own grave by deriding hard working men
When She promised to put a lot of coal miners out of business
She “gifted” me the coal-states right there and then

She insulted my supporters by her “basket of deplorables” comment
Not to leave out for my gratitude is her husband, Bill Clinton
Who called Obama-care the “craziest thing in the world”
I could not have coined a better description of the losing proposition

By meeting with Loretta Lynch at the Phoenix airport tarmac
Bill forced Lynch to recuse herself from the FBI’s on-going investigation…
of Hillary’s e-mails and the use of a private e-mail server
This gave James Comey an opportunity to affect the election

My friend Comey, as a life-long Republican, is no friend of the Democrats
He stirred the pot just 11 days before the election day
When he sent a letter to the Congress re. additional e-mails FBI found
It reminded voters of the “crooked-ness” of Hillary once again to her dismay

I could not have won without the steady hand of Steve Bannon
Steve is a brilliant strategist & a gifted campaign manager
My campaign was floundering until Steve took over the reins
He straightened the ship and pulled it out of danger

I must acknowledge the help I received from Breitbart News
They helped me burnish my credentials with Alt-Right
Steve’s association with Alt-Right proved to be an asset
He softened the harshness of White supremacy doctrine as KKK-light

I owe a ton of gratitude to the invisible hand of my friend Putin
I praised Putin’s style of leadership and he returned the favor in kind
He preferred me over Hillary as the next president of USA
His and my goals and our leadership styles are so well aligned

I owe a ton of gratitude to justice Scalia; may his soul Rest In Peace
His death opened up a seat on the Supreme Court
Credit to Mitch McConnell for not letting Obama appoint a replacement
Opportunity to fill this seat helped me garner White support

Thanks to the Supreme court for gutting the Voting Rights Act
And, to those State legislatures who enacted vote suppression laws
Taking aim directly at Democrats’ voting blocks
These “patriotic” gestures surely helped my cause

Special thanks are owed to the Blacks who chose to stay home
In the key states of Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan
Had these “uninspired” black residents of Detroit and Philadelphia voted
Hillary would most certainly have won

Special thanks also go to Fox News – my favorite media outfit
My core supporters rely on Fox’s “fair and balanced” news
Fox has been a trail blazer in pushing the “post truth” agenda
And, in driving the Democrats to “singing the blues

The list will not be complete without a nod to the Talk Show hosts
Chiefly Rush Limbaugh, Lou Dobbs, Glen Beck, and Drudge report
They have been stoking White grievance, firing up the base
Their anti immigrant fervor helped solidify White’s support

Last but not least, the main-stream media has a large hand in my victory
The more they fact checked my claims and called them as not being true
The more they managed to rile up my ardent supporters
The sense that the media is biased among my devotees only grew and grew

To those who may feel left out of the list
I thank you from the bottom of my heart
You are the greatest friend one can ask for
You masterfully played your part

Now let’s get back to work to Make America Great Again!

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