Dripping drops from a rooftop – a poem by Aman Deep.


Aman Deep is a fellow alum from one of my alma maters (Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India).  This is Aman’s first contribution to this website.  Welcome Aman.




A thunder echoes in the skyline,
And little drops pour from its belly,
Small droplets pitter-patter,
Like crickets in the dusk chatter,
Then the roof seems to cry,
A small dribble left it to make it momentarily dry.

The drop falls, the drops pelt,
The arising symphony portray a tune,
Drip, pitter-patter, and the chatter,
And on and on it goes, until dawn,
Then the rays come at the nature’s yawn.

As the thunder rumbles so the thoughts jumble,
As the little concepts clear images flicker,
Small musings chitter-chatter,
A cacophony of sounds it gather,
Then the ideas seem to alight,
And a belief is born,
Then it falls as I focus,
And on and on it goes like a beautiful symphony,
Completing, complementing, and conceptualizing,
Until it stays and a poetry of thoughts stumble,
Into the vast horizon of cognizance.

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