Good bye friends – we are going to miss you!


Our friends, Asha and SM Shahed,  are moving from the Los Angeles area to the New York City area to be close to their only daughter and the two very precious grand kids.



Dear Shahed-bhai and Asha-ji, you’ll be missed, no mystery
You are a special couple, complex and deep, like poetry

We enjoyed your thoughtful discourses on topics far and wide
Your memory, enviously I wish I had, jealousy I can’t hide

Your concern for disadvantaged is commendable, it drives your behavior
You don’t just talk, you walk the talk, your spirit is that of a savior

Your blog “Urdu Shahkaar” has been a strong inspiration & motivation
to get serious with my hobby; is the culmination

I didn’t always agree with you, you hold strong & unwavering views
I am a bit more flexible and pliant, I can’t walk in your lofty shoes

You care for the environment thru not just talk but concrete actions
You are committed and often chide fellow humans for their inactions

Asha-ji’s steadfast convictions has no limit or qualifications
She holds her ground firmly despite vociferous objections

Shahed bhai’s dogged determination, visible in his every act & project
Good enough is not in his vocabulary; result has to be prim and perfect

Asha-ji and Shahed bhai, you are a formidable couple, 2 peas in a pod
Able to correct/contradict the other w/o feeling of getting roughshod

You are doting grandparents; special joy adorns your face
at the slightest mention of them and all worries efface

We will miss fruits of your orchard – white sapotas, “shahtoots”, “ber”, et al
Ice cream with homegrown fruits, exquisite, unique and every bit artisanal

We are going to miss you, you bet, there is absolutely no doubt
We hope, opportunities to meet again will certainly come about

It is hard, and painful, but we must say goodbye
We are “happy for you”, but can’t say it without a sigh

We wish you the very best as you start your life anew
Please don’t hesitate to call upon us if we could help you

It would be our privilege, will never be a burden
We will do our best, you can be most certain

The words may not be eloquent – thoughts are from our heart
To see you leave us for New York is tearing all of us apart

We understand, you want to be near your only daughter
and wish to see your grandkids more often, hereafter

The Sun will rise, birds will fly, tides will wash ashore
But, you won’t be here with us no more, no more

Life must go on, time never stops.
Alvida, Adios, Aloha, Sayonara, Namaskar!

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