Goodbye from Corona virus (Letter #8)

How time flies! It has been a year
since we first landed on your shores
It feels as if it was only yesterday when
our spikes first entered through your doors

The time has finally come to take a bow, and
to windup our hugely successful mission
Due to the start of vaccinations,
it is not the time for any indecision

We had a productive campaign,
successful beyond our wildest dreams
For the most advanced country,
sadly, it is a tale of two extremes

At one end are the public health experts
Begging and pleading for masks and distancing
At the other end are your President and his minions,
instead of reinforcing, hellbent on undermining

We commend your scientists for their ingenuity
in developing vaccine(s) in a record time
Use of the novel technology of mRNA to produce
a vaccine is nothing short of sublime!

The irony is not lost on us; the same scientists
who gave you the most novel vaccines
have had their voices muzzled, and were
derided by your president and his cronies

Another irony!  more of you are dying in a day,
thanks to yours truly, than were killed on 9/11
Where is the outrage now?  back then you
turned the world upside down from Hell to Heaven

A friendly reminder, it will be a while
before vaccine gives you herd immunity
If you want to be saved from my clutches,
listen to the experts; avoid stupid proclivity

We want to recognize hospital workers, who despite
not having proper PPE and being over worked
risked* their own lives to care for the sick and dying
They saw it as a moral duty, a duty they never shirked
(* many health workers died while caring for the patients)

By hoarding vaccines for your own use,
you (rich countries) are acting selfish and cruel
You are erecting every possible barrier
to not let poor countries touch your “crown jewel”

If you ask a bank robber, why he robs banks
His simple answer is that’s where the money is
Henceforth, we will focus on the poor countries
Why you ask; dah! that’s where the opportunity is!

We thank you for letting us roam free,
and allowing us to show what we are capable of
But, all “good” things must come to an end;
and so does our campaign; it’s time to sign-off.


Do not get too overconfident
you know, nature is always adapting
there is bound to be another episode
when your vaccines will be found wanting!
(do not say I did not warn you!)

All the best to you.


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