Hillary Clinton – Proud to be the Democratic Nominee for the President of USA


I am Hillary Rodham Clinton
I am running to become the next president
If I win and move to the White House
As the first woman, I will set a new precedent

Obama said I am the greatest change agent he has known
He also said I am the best prepared candidate ever
I am stable, I am steady, and I am ready
The time has come, it is now or never

As the first woman presidential candidate
I have already broken a glass ceiling
That I have paved the path for little Girls in America
It is an awesome feeling!

I was born and raised in Chicago, Illinois
A city and a State well known for corruption
Some of it must have rubbed on me
Disappointed are those looking for perfection

Despite Bill’s transgressions with Monica
I swallowed hard and chose to stay with Him
to maintain his presidency and to sustain my dream
All of us make mistakes, no one is all pure and prim

I have been a loyal wife, a loving mother
And now I am a doting grandmother
The sordid Bill and Lewinsky affair
Brought Bill and I closer than ever

I have been near power for a long time
I have been a Governor’s wife
I have been a Senator, and a first lady
I have served the public most of my life

I have been a devoted public servant for 40+ years
I have never shirked a fight for a good cause
I have been motivated mainly to do good
I served for common purpose, not for any applause

As one of the Senators for New York State
I served Wall Street barons without any qualm
Serving constituents is part of a Senator’s role
And The Wall Street was in my realm

Giving speeches and getting paid for them
Is a long established practice in Washington
Ronald Reagan got a Million for one of his speeches
Why shouldn’t I follow the rich tradition!

Supreme court ruled campaign donation is free speech
Protected by the first amendment
If Wall street wants to donate to my campaign
My conscience is clear, there is no predicament

I have had my share of scandals
White water, Benghazi, private e-mail server
Charitable foundation, Yada, Yada, Yada
These experiences have only made me stronger

I did use a personal server for official business
But that doesn’t make me a criminal
I did not send or receive any e-mail marked classified
I find Republican’s behavior totally abysmal

The “damn” e-mail saga has refused to die
It has become an albatross around my neck
I could not have imagined the furor it would cause
I rue, I failed to keep this sordid episode in check

I fight a good fight, but I am not a sore loser
I competed hard against Obama in 2008
Yet, when he offered me an olive branch
I agreed to become his Secretary of State

I am not a natural born public speaker
unlike my mate Bill and my ex-boss Obama
My campaign events are plain and matter-of-fact
There is little theatrics or Shakespearean drama

I admit I got the Iraq war vote wrong
My support for the for the US attack was a mistake
I also encouraged the invasion of Libya
Alas, neither of these two acts has made us safe

Republicans attempted to pin blame on me for Benghazi
I’m not surprised, they didn’t succeed
They couldn’t find any evidence of negligence on my part
Despite trying very hard indeed

I waited eight long years for the nomination
And, to be frank, I was expecting a coronation
Then, from no where appeared Bernie Sanders
Leading millions of followers full of energy & emotion

My message to Bernie’s devotees –
One doesnt cut his nose to spite his face
If you don’t vote for me, Trump will win
You will have caused me to lose the race

To those Democrats who say they won’t vote for me
Or that they will sit this election out
I ask you to think twice of your intentions
Your actions will only help Trump without any doubt

I don’t need to remind them of what happened in 2008
If Democrats had voted for Gore, not Nader
Bush would never have become the President
Arguably, one of the worst ever

To disaffected white blue collar males, watch out
Donald is playing on your fears and anger
A higher duty on imported products you buy
Will come out of your pocket and make you poorer

Though I could have picked a more progressive candidate
I decided on Tim Kaine as my running mate
Against Trump’s pull on white blue collar males
Tim will certainly act as a counterweight

I can’t wait to debate Trump face-to-face
Little does he know,  he can’t run over me
He doesn’t have viable plans for any of the issues
His solution to every problem is “believe me”

During my time in Arkansas, New York and DC
Many people have helped me along the way
They have made me stronger and determined
I am my own person, not under anyone’s sway

I am especially thankful to my friends in DNC
They have tried to help me in many ways
They scheduled debates when no one was watching
Such as late evenings on Saturdays

I don’t understand why people don’t trust me
And, why I don’t get any respect
My intentions are clean as a whistle
Though, some of my actions may appear suspect

Polls suggest people don’t find me forthright
They mistrust me and question my honesty
I believe I have been open and transparent all my life
To me, people’s reactions towards me are a major travesty

After I win the election in November
I will be moving back to the White house
A place where I spent 8 memorable years
This time it will be as the President, not a spouse

One of my challenges in the White House
will be to keep Bill in check
You all know his tendencies well
He is a wild card in my deck!

By the time the mid night bell will toll on 11/8
I will have been crowned as the 45th president
I have worked very hard to see this day
My victory will be an extra-ordinary accomplishment

As the first woman president of USA
I will have broken the proverbial glass ceiling
Little girls will safely be able to dream for presidency
Knowing that is an awesome feeling

I hope to get a chance to serve as the President for eight years
I will try to bridge the gaps & mend the fissures in Washington
I will work very hard to raise every one’s boat
That’s a promise from me, Hillary Clinton.

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