I am a Dreamer



I am a Dreamer, I am a believer
I am as American as an apple pie
My parents brought me here as a child
This is my home, no one can deny

I came years ago, not on my volition
I live and breathe like an American
I recite pledge of allegiance to America –
as an American, not Dominican or Mexican

I have studied and worked hard
American values, I have internalized
I volunteer my time to worthy causes
American identity, I have personalized

As a son or a daughter-
I am proud of my mother and father
Who toiled in your fields and farms
To make sure we had the best,
they made sacrifices without qualms

They were cooks, they were dishwashers
They cleaned houses, they tended gardens
They did low-paying hazardous jobs
Quietly, they carried back-breaking burdens

I am a lawyer, I am a business owner
I am a scientist, I am an engineer
I serve in the US armed forces
I am a doctor, I am a teacher

I am a mother, I am a father
My children are America born
I contribute much the same as you,
still I am a target of your scorn

I aspire to be a positive role model
I do not want to be swaddled
I just want to be given a fair chance
I don’t want my ambitions throttled

Dr. King’s audacity to dream
drives and inspires me to fight
I too dare to dream; for my dreams
I will fight every minute, day, and night

I am not looking for handouts
I just want a fair and honest shake
Fairness is an American value
Sadly here, its credibility is at stake

Per the declaration of independence,
“all men are created equal”
“If you don’t ask, you don’t get it”
Said Gandhi, epitome of just struggle

Per Nelson Mandela, another giant
of peaceful struggle against oppression
“It always seems impossible until it’s done”
He prevailed despite brutal suppression
So will I and my Dreamer coalition

Don’t ship me back to where I came from
I will be a “foreigner” in that country
America is my home, my “native” land
It is the truth; I am not being perfunctory

I hope you will do the right thing, in
allowing me to become a citizen
I will payback with my devotion
I will prove to you I’m a true American.

God bless America, land that I love
God bless America, my home sweet home.



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