I want my country back

I want my country back, a country
– Whose president doesn’t lie
– Whose ideals don’t die
– Where competing ideas thrive
– Where civility remains alive

I want my country back, a country
– not perfect; striving to become one
– aspiring to achieve “equality for all”
– wants to be “a shining city upon a hill”
– challenges “what you can do for your country?”

I want my country back, a country
– that expands civil rights
– that doesn’t throttle suffrage
– that recognizes its sins of the past
– that honors its promises

Oh, wait a minute, I must have been dreaming
– That country never existed in reality
– It was a mirage
– It was a figment of imagination
– It was a visage

Presidents have always lied
– Constitution conveniently invoked
– Ideals selectively adored
– and opportunely ignored
– Racial equality measures abhorred

Please let me go back to sleep!
Why did I wake up?
There was more peace and harmony
in the dream-verse.

I want my country back
I chose to become its citizen
Willingly with great anticipation
To become a proud American.

May God bless America.

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