Life and Death

One of my classmates from IIT Kharagpur, India (my alma mater for the bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering) recently passed away.  This piece is in his memory.
I am not sure if it is a “rhyming prose” or “poetry”.  You be the judge.

Ephemeral Life
Beating heart one moment
Drained the next
Transient, insolvent

No one knows
When his calling comes
When the wheel of life,
Takes its final few turns

Being alone when
the last breath is taken
Loved ones in panic
when no words heard or spoken

What happens to the soul,
no one knows
Does it stay or take flight?
If so, where it goes?

It finds peace, comfort
and solace, we pray
While body is gone
Memories are here to stay

Cherish every moment
It may be your last
Say what you want to say
Let past be past

Give hugs to those who
long for your touch
Fear not,
it’s never too much.


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