Life is too fickle – make every moment count!


One of my apartment mates* died recently
He too was an IIT Kharagpur alumni
He had a brilliant and creative mind
An apt reminder, one day we all will die!
(* Bharat Prakash Gupta)

Bharat graduated a year before I did
He was the “topper*” of the 1969 batch,
first among the brightest brains in India
Not many in and out of IIT were his match
(* Topper – valedictorian)

It is not uncommon for the brightest minds
to be tormented internally and fight demons
The world doesn’t understand them
Their personality is full of complications

Bharat tried to commit suicide in a room next to mine
Thankfully, I intervened & violated his privacy
I believe his pain was caused by a failed romance
Luckily he survived the attempt, made a full recovery

Bharat’s death proves the adage – life is too short
No one knows what tomorrow will bring
Future may be cold and frigid like winter
or, full of promise and hope like spring

Bharat was still “young”, the same age as I am
His “premature” death reminding me, life is too fickle
He is imploring us to live each day as if it is the last one
Soon it will be over, though time passes trickle by trickle

May his soul rest in peace and may God bless his family.
Amen!  Om-Shanti!!



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