Mother’s Day – 2022

My only resolution for 2022 is to learn how to write short (8 lines or so) free-verse poems.  I am taking an online course on this topic. This is my second “poem”.  Hope you like it.  The context is the unprovoked attack on Ukraine by Russia.

On this Mother’s Day
let’s all pray
for her fallen sons
to fire of guns

On this Mother’s Day
let’s pray
for her fallen daughters
as guns’ fodder

Murderer? yes Putin
indiscriminate shootin’
robbed mothers of joy
guns as his toy

Guilty of war crime,
needs to serve time
in Hell? better yet,
in his own gulag
say grieving moms
he snatched our babies in their prime

Only memories now
and a photo
salvaged from ruins
her possessions? sorrow and woe!

She must keep going
carrying the load
burdened with grief
head high, not bowed.

May God give peace and solace to the souls of fallen sons and daughters.

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