November 2nd election outcome – a solid punch right into the guts of Democrats


Democrats, hope you are listening
You got rebuked in the mid-term races
Yet again snatched defeat from jaws of victory
and chose to cut your noses to spite your faces

Hope you had your ears open to the outside
If you did, you’d have heard shot across the bow
No one likes to see other’s dirty laundry
Yours has been on display for months now

You lost big, no way to sugar coat it
governor once, still McAuliffe lost to GOP
Civil war in Washington did not help him; his
new policies quiver was nothing but empty

Minneapolis chose to not defund the police
If the idea didn’t sell there, it won’t anywhere
People of every color and race want safety
especially when crime is rising everywhere

Democrats treat humans as “homo-economous
Always making decisions that are rational
Republicans see humans as “homo-contradictus
whose decisions may appear to be irrational

“Gut” level issues always win over pocketbook
people vote from heart, not head
voters chose safety & education over safety net
GOP base was “fired-up”; yours dispirited!

Politics is a contact sport, kill or get killed
Your opponents have no compunction
in espousing scorched earth policies; their only
goal is power retention, not social redemption

One has to win the war, not just a battle
This requires playing a long game
Making small but steady advances leads
to ultimate victory, in reality not just in name

You are unable to see the forest from the trees
Retaining majority and control of congress
has to be priority no. one, two and three
Not even for a minute, should you digress

It’s OK to debate and argue over differences
But, infighting in public doesn’t lead to a win
You are acting as feuding siblings, a fact
you can’t hide, no matter how you “spin”

Manchin and Sinema are not your enemies
Manchin comes from a Trump friendly state
You should thank him, without his vote
you would be in a minority in the Senate

To implement era defining social policies
requires rule making power on a sustained basis
For you to expect to do that in a two-year term
is nothing but wide-eyed juvenile fantasies

So, dedicate yourselves to winning sustained majority
Republicans’ lower taxes policy always wins over
yours increased spending; clock is ticking
time is fleeting; for you it is now or never

Your Democratic party looks disheveled
Internecine warfare is self-defeating
it is even worse when it is played
in the open for every one’s viewing

Poor Democrats, we feel pity on you
You seem to be floundering and “lost”
In trying to pass a new “new deal” legislation
you appear to voters as “I don’t care its cost”

You seem to be drinking your own Kool Aid
To win you must convince beyond your base
It is true social policies, once enshrined in law,
are hard even for Republicans to take away or replace

Your petty infighting will not help
in 2022 or 2024, make no mistake
You should have known better how to
proceed when so much was and still is at stake

“Progressives “are fighting with “moderates”
No one seems willing to compromise
that two “moderate” senators taking fire
from “Progressives” shouldn’t be a surprise

Your tax proposals display a lack of strategic
thinking other than make the rich pay
Party should have known tax and spend
redlines of 2 senators from very first day

Progressives appear to be the “losers”
Their “wish list” keeps getting whittled down
Rather than working to keep the boat afloat,
they don’t seem to mind if they all drown

It feels like “haggling” at a flea market
Instead of negotiating face to face
Horse trading is happening in the open,
making one side look like a loser to its base

You need to understand clearly and unequivocally,
how, in 2021 you ended up in the “majority”
A flip of mere 45 thousand votes in three states*
would have led to Trump’s inane plurality
(* AZ: 10,457; GA: 14,028; WI: 20,565 Total: 45,050)

Changes happening in the red states
don’t bode well for you in 22 and 24
Vote suppression thru restrictive laws
and gerrymandering, you can’t ignore

Taking control of the election machinery
from career servants in favor of politicians
Stage is being set for changing election
outcome, thanks to corrupt State Republicans

You can’t count on Supreme Court to rule
in your favor if there is a constitutional crisis
Thanks to Trump & McConnell, Supreme Court
Is packed with Republican friendly diocese

Your story is like a Greek tragedy; a “horror” show
You appear not to realize how fragile is victory
Doing good to the masses and doing good
to yourselves, you don’t find contradictory

You must learn how to get out of your own way
You must realize perfection is the enemy of good
Put a stop to the circular firing squad
Otherwise, you will be consigned to backwoods

Your jaunty jalopy is heading towards a cliff
But you still have time, if you act with haste
There is enough blame to go around, unite
let the ruling majority go to waste


Let’s do a thought experiment:
It’s January 4, 2023,
118th congress has been sworn in on January 3rd
McConnell is the senate majority leader
McCarthy is the house speaker

Democrats worse night mare – their version of Rocky Horror Show
Note: The worst nightmare is yet to come (will happen on January 20, 2025)

…..continued in the next rhyming prose piece titled It can get a whole lot worse!



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