Oh Lord, Not again, Not so soon!

This piece is inspired by the news of the murder of at least 19 children and two teachers at a Texas elementary school Tuesday May 24, 2022.  It is the state’s deadliest shooting in modern history and the country’s third mass shooting within weeks.

I’d like to scream at the top of my lungs
Then I realize it won’t do us any good
Why it keeps happening again & again?
Reasons and remedies are well understood

We are hell bent on banning abortion
Why?  Supposedly we value life
Dare I ask – why stop at unborn life?
Why not do something to end this strife?

It is a hypocrisy of the highest order
But then, hypocrisy is the fodder of politics!
Power at any cost is the driving principle
Guns at any cost – sacrifice of all ethics

Our failure is due to ideological stubbornness
We have enslaved ourselves to the notion
all other human rights are subservient to
just one right enshrined in the constitution

To not act against this collective malaise
that is killing the soul of our nation
represents moral ineptitude, bankruptcy,
debasement, abomination, depravation……

I am going to stop here
I have nothing new to say
To the murdered children –
in your memory and honor, I pray.

May your soul find peace and solace.
May Lord give your bereaving loved ones the strength to cope with this tragic loss.


“When the young bury the old, time heals the pain and sorrow
But when the process is reversed, the sorrow remains forever.”
– Joseph P. Kennedy

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