Sandy Hook 10 years later (December 14, 2022)

The Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting occurred on December 14, 2012, in Newtown, Connecticut, United States, when 20-year-old Adam Lanza shot and killed 26 people. Twenty of the victims were children between six and seven years old, and the other six were adult staff members. Earlier that day, before driving to the school, Lanza shot and killed his mother at their Newtown home. As first responders arrived at the school, Lanza died by suicide, shooting himself in the head.
Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting – Wikipedia


Let’s look back at the past 10 years
How much progress have we made
to avoid tragedies such as Sandy Hook?
Why can’t we act? Why are we afraid?

We need to look in the mirror as a society
Ask ourselves, rights only, no responsibility?
Politicians beholden to gun owners and NRA
Zero regulation, mantra of this vocal minority

Conservative, ideological Supreme court
has hijacked the second amendment
Reading nonexistent words, inserting own views
Acting with total and reckless abandonment

We have lost all sense of balance and fairness
Mass shootings are not the exception any more
Make the days’ news, then fade away
Can happen anywhere, nothing is secure!

Victims’ families are left to grieve
Nation has moved on, kind of fatalism
Not much we the people can do
One day we too will be victims of terrorism

A society that lets innocent people
be murdered by fanatic gun owners
can’t be a civil society, no arguing
Frozen in fear, taken as prisoners

Say prayer when you leave your home
Plant kisses on your loved beings
Give hugs, hold in tight embrace
On safe return, count your blessings.


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