2022 in rear view mirror – Closer to Home

As we get ready to say goodbye to 2022, let’s recount the major events.
Please note this is not an exhaustive list.
I am certain I have missed many key events of 2022.

Donald Trump’s lies and baseless accusations
Blatant disregard for accuracy and veracity
Launched a coup on his own government*
Incited attack on citadel of our democracy
(*2021 even, but consequences continued in 2022)

Supreme Court overturned Roe Vs Wade
Made a mockery of confirmation testimony
Ayatollahs” bent on recasting American lives
Justices lying in plain sight– what an irony?

Mid-term elections, a pause in Trump-mania?
Election deniers, conspiracy mongers lost, thank God
Americans showed they care for democracy &
women’s right to her own body, no discord

Elon Musk, the richest man on the planet
Brilliant, arrogant, impetuous, know-it-all, vindictive
Always making news, good or bad, no shame
Twitter his latest toy, as usual invective

Fentanyl crisis – latest drug, freely available
Leading cause of death in 18-45 years old
Synthetic opioid, but 100x more potent
Popular mix with other drugs, profits hundred-fold

Mass shootings continue to take their toll
Stopped being shocking and newsworthy
No political hunger to address the root causes
Affected communities grieve, not much empathy

Biden deserves a lot of credit for his tenacity
Keeping all flanks of Democrats in fold
Getting once in a generation bills through
congress with votes just above threshold

“Sausage making” on full display in DC
Votes being traded like baseball cards
Moderate” senators extracted a heavy price
Even Biden knew they were no body’s wards

Democrats’ midterm showing better than expected
Republicans gaining the House with thin margin
Democrats adding 1 seat majority in the Senate
All this much to Republicans’ chagrin

A monumental faux-pa – celebrity slap at OSCARS
A mega star could not take a joke about hair loss
That his wife is suffering from Alopecia
is no excuse to lose decorum all across

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