2022 in rear view mirror – Across the Globe

As we get ready to say goodbye to 2022, let’s recount the major events across the globe.
Please note this is not an exhaustive list.

War in Ukraine proves we are still tribal
To have our way, we act like alpha males
That one man can launch barbaric attacks,
we used to read in historical tales

Those who know Putin first as a KGB agent
Know blood flowing in his body is icy cold
Scorched Earth policies in Chechnya and Syria
Evidence he is capable of horrors untold

Death of the longest serving monarch
An opportunity to display the vestiges
of a global empire long lost and gone
Grandeur only seen in history’s pages

Effect of climate change all around us
Storms, rains, drought, stifling heat waves
100-year events happening more often
Unsustainable life, every earthling craves

World population deemed to have crossed 8 billion
Billion more expected in another 15 years
Mostly in poor countries, with crushing poverty
Hunger, unemployment, mass migration not idle fears

Corona virus tamed in western democracies
Thanks to highly effective vaccines
Not so in China, despite 0-COVID policy
People protests are now the common scenes

Historic inflation ravaging common man
Reckless printing of $s, prudence disdain
Supply chain disruptions due to COVID-19,
Capped by Putin’s war in Ukraine

Trump and Trump like “leaders
Lost their power, ousted by electors
Trump, Boris, Bolsonaro – “ombre locos
Enemies of democratic norm, not protectors

Rishi Sunak’s ascension to prime minister
A person of Indian origin, once ruled by the Brits
A happy “accident” a-la Obama’s presidency
Celebrate, but keep feet on the ground, no repeats

China’s ascension, viewed as at America’s expense
Fears that actual war may erupt over Taiwan
Xi likely to annex Taiwan before his term expires
America’s options limited, loathe to get drawn

That money can buy anything, big or small
Hosting world cup of soccer by Qatar
Total disregard for human life or rights
Corrupt FIFA sold rights in money’s bazaar

LIV golf, garishly funded by the Saudi regime
Buying players with obscene sums of money
Attempt to “sports wash” their crimes and sins
That it is working well, is no irony.

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