4th of July 2022

Warning: if you are an unapologetic nationalist, or a jingoistic “patriot” you may not like this piece.  I suggest you not read it.  Thanks for your understanding.

Soon it will be 50 years since I left India and landed at the JFK in NYC on August 25, 1972.  The US society has changed a lot since I arrived, some for the better and a lot for the worse. I have lived in the Los Angeles area continuously since 1984.

I chose to become a US Citizen, a flag I wear proudly.
4th of July a day of celebration,
picnics, barbeques, fireworks, games
beach volleyball, sunning, and surfing
together, different races & surnames

Celebration of our independence
from the distant British empire
All men are created equal” and
other such higher ideals, we aspire
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