Annual Message from Mother Earth on the occasion of Earth Day 2022

The IPCC Working Group II released their latest report in February 2022. It once again tells the familiar story about how today’s civilization has been built on ways of life that have accelerated the decline of nature to the detriment of humans and ecosystems.

As an example of the devastating impact of global warming, scientists said on Friday March 25, 2022 that an ice shelf the size of New York City has collapsed in East Antarctica after record high temperatures. This marks the first time in human history that an ice shelf collapsed in the region, which had long been considered stable and less vulnerable to climate change. If the water frozen in East Antarctica melts, it would raise sea levels more than 160 feet around the world.


How time flies!  It has been a year
Since my S.Y.S* message to you
Sadly, it fell on collective deaf ears
Science is clear, can’t misconstrue
(* Save Your Selves/Species/Soul)

Can’t you see impacts of no action?
Your cavalier attitude towards climate
is nothing but shameful, self-defeating
Evidence is all around, can’t debate
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