Story of My Life

Our children signed us up for a STORYWORTH project with the goal of telling our life stories by answering questions posed by them.  Each one of us answered 52+ questions over the period of Dec 25, 2020, through Dec 24, 2021, on a weekly cadence.  The end result is a hard bound book of these stories (one each for the two of us).  The questions covered all phases of our lives – from birth to present.  Answering the questions required us to take a stock of our lives and “bare” our souls.  The emotions covered the whole gamut, joy/sorrow, comfort/discomfort, hits/misses, etc.  If you are interested in knowing more about the project, please visit the STORYWORTH.COM website.
–  Geeta and Ashok Gupta

This rhyming prose piece is an attempt to summarize my discoveries as I documented my life.


Going down the memory lane
Felt bit of joy mixed with pain

Stories of seventy-three years
Hopes, wishes regrets and fears

Life story unfolded in stop motion
Regret and joy in good proportion

Could haves, should haves abound
Many forks in the road, I found

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