Profile of some of Trump’s cabinet members



Jeff Sessions
I picked Jeff Sessions as the Attorney General
Because he is a “law and order” man with the White spirit
Under him …
DOJ will no longer be going after police departments
States will be free to tweak voting rights as they see fit

He is from Alabama, a state known for racial segregation
Jeff knows how to keep blacks in their places
His philosophy is blacks have nothing to fear from police
As long as they remain in police’s good graces

Jeff and I don’t deny Black lives matter
it’s just that White lives matter more
We happen to like people who look like us
White culture is under attack like never before

Scott Pruitt – Administrator of the EPA
Scott is a federalist and a friend of fossil fuel industry
He claims primary driver of climate change is not CO2
As the AG of Oklahoma, he was an arch enemy of the EPA
He is an accomplished lawyer and he loves to sue
(We are soul mates in this regard; but he will not catch me, ever!)

Rex Tillerson – Secretary of State
Oil must flow in Tillerson body, being a lifelong oil man
I nabbed him just as he was getting to retire
He may be new to public life, but he has dealt with national leaders
The clincher – he has close ties to Putin, a leader I admire

Wilbur Ross – Commerce Secretary
Wilbur Ross, the grand daddy of all – A life long Democrat
A swaggering tycoon, LBO specialist worth billions
He is known as the “king of bankruptcy”  (but I am the very very best)
We make money hand over fist, who cares about the minions!

Ross was an earlier supporter of mine
I bet he knew I will be the next president
He helped me in the eighties to keep my Casino
I must say that way he is quite prescient

Rick Perry – Energy Secretary
Rick could not name the Energy department –
The department hat he wanted to eliminate
This doomed his candidacy in 2012
And he fell out as a viable presidential candidate

But, I didn’t want to hold this against Rick
Being the governor of Texas is a great testimonial –
To Rick’s political acumen and executive prowess
That job was certainly not ceremonial

Nikki Haley – US Ambassador to the UN
Nikki Haley is a “twofer”; she checks 2 boxes – minority and woman
During the Primaries, she supported Little Marco from the start
She offered a halfhearted endorsement after I won the nomination
None of this bothered me, You know, I have a big heart!
(Not to mention that I am very very smart!)

She is smart, she knew to be a successful politician
She need to convert to a main stream religion
We are a Christian nation with grudging acceptance of Judaism
Not many people would vote for some one who practices Sikhism

Why I like her?
Like me she is strong – bull in a china shop
Unlike me, she is a main stream Republican
She has been a Governor of South Carolina
And most of all, she is a minority woman!

Betsy Devos – Secretary of Education
Betsy didn’t support me during the primaries
She even called me some very very bad names (Interloper)
I didn’t hold this against her, not for a minute
I like that she is flexible enough in her ?????

Betsy’s main qualification – she is rich, very very rich
She supports school choice, school vouchers, & charter schools
Teachers’ Unions hate her like a plague
She will “free” the schools from Washington’s stifling rules

She is a staunch supporter of gun rights, even in schools
Schools need to keep guns to ward off attacks by bears
She will make American Education Great Again
You can say that Betsy cares, cares and cares

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