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Patriots’ Sermon in 3 G

A shooting that kills only a few
is no longer a newsworthy event
Our standards are much higher
This kind of failure, we deeply resent

We are seeking notoriety and fame
Ours is not a minor league game
We want to rank way up high
We want generations to know our name*

I implore us to aim for Hall of Fame
For that we need to amp up our game
If we fail, we have no one to blame
We need to light up the flame

Second amendment gives us the right
to own guns. Thanks to the Supreme Court,
there can be no limits put on this right
We must ignore the non-Patriots’ retort

We know which politicians are our friends
And those who are not, must feel the heat
Those who don’t support us, know the risk
support or be voted out is not an idle threat

We back our friends with money and votes
They know we yield unmatched power
And to those who are not our friends
They surely need to hide and cower

God has given us the right to own Guns
No Government can take away that right
We are freedom loving, God fearing patriots
If challenged, we will show our might
(3 G’s that characterize USA)

Our heroes have earned a place
In the annals of freedom fighters
I implore our fellow compatriots
To aim to join these illustrious rosters

We are fomenting a revolution
Revolution of freedom and faith
Join us and show your commitment
By staging an event of mass carnage

God bless America, land that we love
Willing to fight and die for Her
With all our might and arsenal of Guns
Not let Her freedom and liberty wither.

May God be with you
May your Gun protect you
May Government get out of your way.

Mass Shooting Hall of Fame Inductees
Timothy McVeigh – 1995 Oklahoma City (Score 168)
Omar Mateen – 2016 Pulse Night Club (Score 49)
Adam Lanza – 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School (Score 26)
Salvador Ramos – 2022 Robb Elementary School (Score 21)

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