Browse Tag: Rhyming Prose

Eulogy for Dwarika Agarwal

Dwarika, in you I lost my best friend
My admiration for you was unconditional
You always looked on the positive side
Your love for your alma mater was devotional.

I wonder who will I play Wordle with?
You chose to play in the hard mode
Still, you beat me most of the time
The prowess of your instincts showed.

I enjoyed our intellectual Bric-a-Brac
I admired your mastery of historical facts
You made your case with strong confidence
Though occasionally I was able to force cracks!

I surely will miss you, my friend
I know my pain pales in comparison
Your loss can never be made up
Fond memories will be the only consolation.

I do see a new star in the heavens
Shining bright, lighting our paths
Telling us to keep going, steadfastly
Guided by your moral compass.


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