Thanksgiving 2021


It was a brighter, happier, and joyous Thanksgiving
We were able to get together as friends and family
As social creatures, we missed live interaction
For a long time, we watched faces on Zoom warily

Let’s give thanks to all who work hard
and strive to make the world a better place
Especially doctors & nurses, for taking care of
COVID patients, vaccinated or not with grace

We cannot forget other front-line workers
who toil in anonymity for non-living wages
Without their sacrifices, society will not work
Yet, their story never makes the front pages

Thanks also to policemen and women who
put their lives on the line day in & day out
Let’s not conflate good cops with bad cops
A large majority are honest, there’s no doubt

Thank you, fellow citizens, you followed science
You got yourselves & loved ones fully vaccinated
We live & thrive by our actions as a community
We each must carry our weight, not be detracted

Our brilliant scientists too deserve heartfelt thanks
They developed potent vaccines in record time
Private and public minds working together
Their dedication is nothing short of sublime

A point doesn’t make a trend; arc of history is long
Conviction in Arbery* trial is no time for applause
Still, the almost white jury deserves our thanks
and merits our nod for upholding sanctity of laws
* Please see the note at the end of the piece.

On the other hand, I would be remiss if I
didn’t point out the group of people who
deserve our condemnation, not thanks
We know them by the trash they spew

I won’t dignify them by calling out their names
They sow discord, distrust, and division telling lies
We know them by their toxic words & deeds
Sadly, they don’t care if our democracy dies

So, let us do our part in keeping our community
safe and protected from the ravages of the virus
We have seen enough death and destruction
Anti public-health actions & rhetoric is least desirous.

Happy holidays and happy new year!



Three white men chased down and killed Ahmaud Arbery, a 25-year-old Black man who was jogging through their Georgia neighborhood, in 2020.  All three were all found guilty of murder charges by an almost white jury (11 of the 12 jurors are white).



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