Trump Talks about his Cabinet

I campaigned to Make America Great Again (MAGA)

To make America Great Again
We will have to turn back the clock
To the earlier and more predictable times
The journey will not be, by any means, a cakewalk

It will require freeing business from the burden –
of expensive and intrusive job killing regulations
This will be achieved through a combination of
New laws and executive proclamations

My cabinet will be charged with the responsibility
Of implementing the promises I made during the campaign
I have selected my cabinet with ultimate care and vetting
They are super smart and will reach the heights hard to attain
(A list of key promises follow towards the end)

I want my presidency to be transformational
What used to considered abnormal, is now normal
Dishonest media says my approach is transactional,
Unconventional, undiplomatic and confrontational,
So be it – I won!  I am the president!  Get used to it!

Style doesn’t matter as long as it leads to results
My cabinet will help me Make America Great Again
Diplomatic niceties, if they don’t deliver are no good
I proved this adage during my uuuugely popular campaign

I staffed my cabinet with zealots
Just like Jihadis, dedicated to their cause
Just as a jihadi is not swayed by reasoning
Science and Facts don’t give my boys (mostly) any pause

My cabinet will work like a professional “wrecking crew”
Tasked to whack at job killing Obama era regulations
They will up-end the status quo in all areas, bar none
To whiners, let me remind there are consequences to elections.

My voters are yearning for the simpler times
They want their White privileges back
They have seen their first claim on jobs weakened
By people of color including Hispanics and Black (

People like people of their own tribes
I am not against minorities or women
I have picked token Black, Asian, and Hispanic
No one should accuse me of discrimination

My cabinet is the very very best ever assembled
Though most are Washington outsiders
Still, they know how to work the Washington machine
They have been benefactors of Washington insiders

I have hired those who
– challenged me in the Primaries
– openly opposed my candidacy
– called me unfit for the job (their gall!)
 – like me, were Democrats before switching
This shows my capacity for transcendency (I don’t know what this word means!)

My cabinet consists of men who have been around
It has been said that with age comes wisdom
Yes, many are very very old but
They know very well how to work the system

Many are loaded with money that knows no bound
Now they want to serve the “nation” for pittance
Don’t be fooled, their “sacrifice” is not all altruistic
Their time in Washington will pay uuuuuuge dividends

They are rolling in billions and hundreds of millions
Even against the Wall street norms, a few are gloriously wealthy
I respect that they know how to “use” laws for their personal gain
To make a lot of money is a trait I find is very very healthy

Wall-Street is always a bogey in election rhetoric
But money, big money, is the life blood of politics
Yes, during the campaign I said I will drain the swamp
Don’t tell me you fell for all the election rhetorics! (Trumpian English)

Some of my picks deride the very dept they are leading
Look at Rick Perry, he wanted to eliminate the Energy department
Rick may not be a policy wonk, but he knows energy, being a Texan
When it comes to fossil fuel’s role, he and I are in full alignment

Dishonest media keeps pointing out “issues” with my cabinet
My “boys” (& a few girls) don’t have to offer any excuses
I admire people who push the system to the hilt
& if you push the system you are bound to have a few bruises

White working males got me elected
Now I need to pay them back for their trust in me
I have picked people of wealth, experience & diverse skills
Their animal instincts will set the economy free

I will work with my cabinet as the CEO of America Inc.
I will set expectations, but won’t get in their nickers
They are exceptional people adept in their fields
They are high achievers, not city slickers

I don’t demand too much from my cabinet
All I ask of them is to just serve my supporters
I warned them failing media will not be their friend
Worst bane will be the horde of fake news reporters


My cabinet is the best ever ever ever!
– Bar None
– No comparison


For the highlights of some of Trump’s cabinet members, please go to the post labeled Profile of some of Trump’s cabinet members.


Promises I made during the Campaign

My cabinet will be responsible for Implementing
the promises I made during the campaign
It is through these stupendous actions
We will Make America Great Again.

Our administration will be tough on law and order
We will build a beautiful wall along the border

We will implement a uuuuuuge tax cut
We will re-open coal mines that have been shut

Obama care will be repealed and replaced
The new plan will be cheaper with fewer mandates

We will starve the Environmental Protection Agency
We will reduce environmental regulations’ potency

We will constrain the federal bureaucracy
We will undo job-killing regulations with a sense of urgency

Illegal immigrants will be deported
Duty will be levied on goods that are imported

We will boost our military spending
And, we will cut wasteful social spending

We will increase at home manufacturing
We will stop American jobs outsourcing

We will increase cooperation with Russia
We will provide arms and ammunition to anti-ISIS militia

Ours will be America First administration
We will rebuild the infrastructure of our nation

We will aim for energy self-sufficiency
We will end our foreign oil dependency

Our energy policy will prioritize fossil fuels
We won’t be smitten by the renewables

We will give power back to the States
Our bias will be more action less debates

We will stop being benevolent global cops, au contraire
All our partners will have to pay their fair share

We will renegotiate NAFTA with Canada and Mexico
TPP like mufti-lateral trade agreements will be NO-GO.

China will not be allowed to take advantage of us
We will work to reduce their uuuuuuge trade surplus

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