Truth comes out once again! This time it is Mitch McConnell


Reader Guidance: If you are a Trump Devotee or an acolyte of the GOP, this piece is not for you.  Thank you for your understanding.



McConnel Speaks the Truth.

The truth comes out once again
This time it is Mitch McConnel
Proclaimed Blacks are not American
It was deliberate, no doubt or denial

McConnel must have drunk truth serum
by mistake, not his normal (lies) serum
Had he been his usual self, he
would have talked ad nostrum

Don’t tell me he didn’t mean what he said
He meant every word of his statement
To say what he doesn’t mean,
is not in his temperament

GOP doesn’t hide its true colors; if you ask –
why you’re making voting more difficult?
“If we don’t, we won’t ever win”
We want to control election result”

Supreme court is on GOP’s side
With 6-3 majority, they give GOP a pass
By gutting Voting Rights Act, Justices
helped disenfranchise blacks enmasse

In a democracy, voters select politicians
SCOTUS blessed gerrymandering,
and handed a gift to RED states tied in a bow
With roles reversed, no more bullet sweating

Trump normalized white racism by
amplifying white supremacists’ views
Any discussion of his racism, he branded
brashly and unapologetically as fake news

To my fellow visible minorities, don’t feel smug
Even though McConnell called out only the Blacks
It applies to all of us just the same; American
history is full of discriminatory ethnic attacks*

To utter such a statement close
to Martin Luther King holiday
makes it more painful and toxic
Alas, the sentiment is here to stay.

Sorry reverend King, your dream still remains a dream!


*Japanese Internment, Chinese Exclusion, Muslim Ban, post 9/11 Islamophobia, ……… and who can forget Native American genocide.



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